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This is a fund-raising call in defence of democracy, promoted by the last Venetian residents who are battling to restore Venice to its original status, a city in its own rights. It all began in the fascist era of 1926 when the two Municipalities of Mestre (on the mainland) and Venice (the island) were made as one by Rome, thus Venice lost its autonomy. Venice, the island city known as the Serenissima', was decreed a 'historic centre', a museum, ruled by the 3/4 of votes from the mainland. Since the 1960s, when awareness of the damage was raised, five referendums have been promoted to restore the two Municipalities of Venice and Mestre as history 'declared'. In the name of justice, we are fighting a fascist abuse. Yet it seemed time was needed for people to know the state of affairs; funnily enough the historical fact that Venice was not independent was kept secret and few know even now. It has taken over 50 years for people to see and realise what the move implied and only at the last referendum the majority of voters living on the Island of Venice voted in favour of independence: 66% throughout the municipal area and 84% of voters in Venice approving the separation of Venice from Mestre. We loudly said spite of the fact that the Mayor (of the joint municipality) boycotted the referendum by promoting abstention, and so did the media and some political parties interested in pleasing the voters of the mainland. However, regional policy has invalidated the popular initiative bill (the fifth in 50 years) due to the failure to reach a quorum, which is not provided for in a consultative referendum such as ours under the Constitution. Politics, on the other hand, has deemed it essential for the majority of those entitled to participate in the vote, despite the fact that it is impossible to reach such a number of voters, in a historical moment of great disaffection with politics and the electoral process and considering that the vast majority of voters of this grandiose municipality live on the mainland and not in Venice-historical centre. Yet after 50 years, for the first time the Venetians loudly said yes to independence. Venice (histocal centre) has no political representation and only with independence from the mainland will it be able to decide its own future and still have a special statute that, through the tax lever, can attract new residents and quality businesses, alternatives to the tourist monoculture that is killing it. Nobody abroad, and in Italy, knows that Venice is ruled from the mainland where the overwhelming majority of the municipal population lives. Help us raise funds for our battle for democracy and for the defence of Venice and the few remaining Venetians. The sentence of the judge of first instance which sanctioned the validity of a quorum in the referendum of 1 December 2019 can only be annulled through an appeal to the Council of State, the cost of which is over 16 thousand euros. If we don't appeal, Venice is done for.


Movimento Venezia autonoma  

IBAN IT96G 030 6909 6061 0000 0181 502

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Movimento Venezia Autonoma
IBAN IT96G 030 6909 6061 0000 0181 502
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